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December 10, 2019: Prof. Shu-Hong Yu was invited to join the Editorial Advisory Board of Nano Letters.
Pre One:Congratulations on the acceptance of our article entitled "Regioselective magnetization in semiconducting nanorods" accepted by Nature Nanotechnology. Congratulations to Taotao, Yi, Xiaoqing et al for their persistent and hard work on this project, where we discovered a double-buffer-layer engineering strategy to achieve regioselective nucleation of superparamagnetic nanodomains at one end of semiconducting nanorod (Nat. Nanotechnol. 2019, NNANO-18071503C).
Next One:Our work on Joule-heated wrapped-graphene sponge for fast clean-up of viscous crude-oil spill was published (Nature Nanotechnol 2017, 12(5), 434-440, Front Cover), highlighted by Nature ("Hot graphene sponge mops up oil fast"), News & Views ("Oil spill recovery: Graphene heaters absorb faster"). , and Edtorial ("Think Bigger") of the journal Nature Nanotechnol., and will be highlighted by Natl. Sci. Rev., Sci. China Chem., Sci. China Mater.