573 |
Pulsed axial epitaxy of colloidal quantum dots in nanowires enables facet-selective passivation, Yi Li†, Tao-Tao Zhuang†, Fengjia Fan, Oleksandr Voznyy, Mikhail Askerka, Haiming Zhu, Liang Wu, Guo-Qiang Liu, Yun-Xiang Pan, Edward H. Sargent* and Shu-Hong Yu*, Nat. Commun. 2018, 9, 4947.
572 |
Biomimetic twisted plywood structural materials, Si-Ming Chen†, Huai-Ling Gao†, Yin-Bo Zhu†, Hong-Bin Yao, Li-Bo Mao, Qi-Yun Song, Jun Xia, Zhao Pan, Zhen He, Heng-An Wu and Shu-Hong Yu*, Natl. Sci. Rev. 2018, 5(5), 703-714. Highlighted by phy.org.: "Biomimetic micro/nanoscale fiber reinforced composites" https://phys.org/news/2018-08-biomimetic-micronanoscale-fiber-composites.html Highlighted by EurekAlert: "Biomimetic micro/nanoscale fiber reinforced composites" https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-08/scp-bmf081018.php Highlighted by Azonano: "Researchers Create Biomimetic Twisted Plywood Structural Materials" https://www.azonano.com/news.aspx?newsID=36297 Highlighted by R&D: "Biomimetic Micro/Nanoscale Fiber Reinforced Composites" https://www.rdmag.com/news/2018/08/biomimetic-micro-nanoscale-fiber-reinforced-composites Highlighted by Natl. Sci. Rev. 2018: "Emerging artificial Bouligand-type structural materials" https://academic.oup.com/nsr/advance-article/doi/10.1093/nsr/nwy100/5094562
571 |
Zhi-Long Yu†, Ning Yang†, Li-Chuan Zhou, Zhi-Yuan Ma, Yin-Bo Zhu, Yu-Yang Lu, Bing Qin, Wei-Yi Xing, Tao Ma, Si-Cheng Li, Huai-Ling Gao, Heng-An Wu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Science Advances 2018, 4, eaat7223. 3D observation of a typical CPF wood by x-ray microtomography: Click to "Play" icon to start Flash content!
Highlighted by Science News (Science 2018, doi:10.1126/science.aav0689) Highlighted by Scientific American (Sid Perkins, Scientific American 2018, 319(5), 12): "Artificial Wood" https://www.scientificamerican.com/store/subscribe/scientific-american-magazine/ Highlighted by physicsworld (Research News): "Making artificial wood on the large scale" https://physicsworld.com/a/making-artificial-wood-on-the-large-scale/ Highlight by Natl. Sci. Rev. "Wood-like polymeric materials by ice templating" Sylvain Deville, Natl.Sci.Rev. 2018, DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwy139 https://academic.oup.com/nsr/advance-article/doi/10.1093/nsr/nwy139/5188681 Highlighted by Science China Materials: "Wood-inspired engineering materials" Bergström Lennart, Science China Materials 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s40843-018-9340-6 Highlighted by Eurekalert: "USTC develops a family of bioinspired artificial woods by traditional resins" https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-08/uosa-uda080818.php Highlighted by phy.org: "Team develops a family of bioinspired artificial woods from traditional resins" https://phys.org/news/2018-08-team-family-bioinspired-artificial-woods.html Highlighted by Global Times: "Scientists create lightweight, fire-retardant artificial wood" http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1115040.shtml "Nanomaterials Used to Create Artificial Woods" https://www.rdmag.com/news/2018/08/nanomaterials-used-create-artificial-woods?cmpid=verticalcontent Highlights from Media: Firstpost: "A scaleable new method of making artificial wood from synthetic resins" NewsWeek: "Engineered Wood Is Fire Retardant and Super Strong" UK Presscute: "USTC develops a household of bioinspired synthetic woods by conventional resins" The Hindu: "Fire-resistant wood" Labmanager: "Team Develops a Family of Bioinspired Artificial Woods from Traditional Resins" YahooNews: "Chinese researchers develop new way to make artificial wood" https://sg.news.yahoo.com/chinese-researchers-develop-way-artificial-wood-225204671.html CGTN: "Chinese researchers develop new way to make high-quality artificial wood" https://news.cgtn.com/news/3d3d514f3445444e79457a6333566d54/share_p.html Chinese researchers develop new way to make high-quality artificial wood http://www.china.org.cn/world/Off_the_Wire/2018-08/11/content_58412784.htm The Koz Times: "Scientists have created a wood with amazing properties" https://koztimes.com/scientists-have-created-a-wood-with-amazing-properties/3406/ Penelitian: "Bioinspired polymeric woods" https://www.laporanpenelitian.com/2018/08/bioinspired-polymeric-woods.html People's Daily:USTC developed High-strength bionic engineering materials (innovation frontier): http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrb/html/2018-08/12/nw.D110000renmrb_20180812_8-01.htm The Financial Express (IND): "Chinese researchers develop new way to make artificial wood" The Siasat Daily: "Chinese researchers develop new way to make artificial wood" https://www.siasat.com/news/chinese-researchers-develop-new-way-make-artificial-wood-1390994/ New Kerala: "Chinese researchers develop new way to make artificial wood" Business Standard: "Chinese researchers develop new way to make artificial wood" CanIndia: "Chinese researchers develop new way to make artificial wood" http://www.canindia.com/chinese-researchers-develop-new-way-to-make-artificial-wood/
570 |
Transforming Ground Mica into High-Performance Biomimetic Polymeric Mica Film, Xiao-Feng Pan†, Huai-Ling Gao†, Yang Lu*, Chun-Yan Wu, Ya-Dong Wu, Xiang-Ying Wang, Zhi-Qiang Pan, Liang Dong, Yong-Hong Song, Huai-Ping Cong and Shu-Hong Yu*, Nat. Commun. 2018, 9, 2974.
569 |
Transition metal assisted carbonization of small organic molecules toward functional carbon materials, Highlighted by EurekAlert (AAAS): "USTC proposes a facile, general, and effective strategy to prepare carbon nanomaterials" https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-07/uosa-upa072418.php Highlighted by Nanotechweb: "Researchers propose a facile, general, and effective strategy to prepare carbon nanomaterials" https://www.nanowerk.com/nanotechnology-news2/newsid=50779.php Highlighted by phy.org: "Research team proposes an effective strategy to prepare carbon nanomaterials" https://phys.org/news/2018-07-team-effective-strategy-carbon-nanomaterials.html Highlighted by AsianScientist: "Functional Carbon Materials Made Simple And Scalable" https://www.asianscientist.com/2018/08/in-the-lab/carbon-nanomaterials-small-organic-molecules/ Highlighted by NanoWerk: "Researchers propose a facile, general, and effective strategy to prepare carbon nanomaterials" https://www.nanowerk.com/nanotechnology-news2/newsid=50779.php
568 |
Tao-Tao Zhuang†, Yuanjie Pang† Zhi-Qin Liang, Ziyun Wang, Yi Li, Chih-Shan Tan, Jun Li, Cao Thang Dinh, Phil De Nat. Catalysis 2018, 1, 941-951. Highlighted by News & Views: Geometry aids green carbon electrochemistry. (Nat. Catalysis 2018, 1, 903-904).
567 |
Stability and Reactivity: Positive and Negative Aspects for Nanoparticle Processing, Liang Xu, Hai-Wei Liang, Yuan Yang, Shu-Hong Yu, Chem. Rev. 2018, 118(7), 3209-3250.
566 |
Nanowire Assemblies for Flexible Electronic Devices: Recent Advances and Perspectives, Jin-Long Wang†, Muhammad Hassan†, Jian-Wei Liu*, Shu-Hong Yu*, Adv.Mater. 2018, 1803430. Special Issue of the USTC’s 60th Anniversary.
565 |
Tao-Tao Zhuang†, Zhi-Qin Liang†, Ali Seifitokaldani, Yi Li, Phil De Luna, Thomas Burdyny, Fei Meng, Rafael Quintero-Bermudez, Cao Thang Dinh, Miao Zhong, Fang-Lin Che, Bo Zhang, Jun Li, Pei-Ning Chen, Xue-Li Zheng, Hong-Yan Liang, Wen-Na Ge, Bang-Jiao Ye, David Sinton, Shu-Hong Yu*, Edward H. Sargent*, Nat. Catalysis. 2018,1, 421–428. Highlighted by phys.org: "New catalyst upgrades carbon dioxide to fuels found" https://phys.org/news/2018-06-catalyst-carbon-dioxide-fuels.html Highlighted by EurekAlert (AAAS): "New catalyst upgrades carbon dioxide to fuels found by USTC" https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-06/uosa-ncu062518.php Highlighted by Chemeurope.com: "Catalyst upgrades carbon dioxide to fuels" Highlighted by Biomass Magazine: "New catalyst upgrades carbon dioxide to fuels found by USTC"
564 |
Ya-Rong Zheng, Ping Wu, Min-Rui Gao*, Xiao-Long Zhang, Fei-Yue Gao, Huan-Xin Ju, Rui Wu, Qiang Gao, Rui You, Wei-Xin Huang, Shou-Jie Liu, Junfa Zhu, Zhenyu Li, Shu-Hong Yu*, Nat. Commun. 2018, 9, 2533. Highlighted by Science China Materials: "Doping-induced phase transition enables better electrocatalysts" Zhang Hua, Science China Materials 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s40843-018-9332-5.
563 |
Self-healing and superstretchable conductors from hierarchical nanowire assemblies, Pin Song†, Haili Qin†, Huai-Ling Gao, Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*, Nat. Commun. 2018, 9, 2786.
562 |
Zi-You Yu†, Chao-Chao Lang†, Min-Rui Gao*, Yu Chen, Qi-Qi Fu, Yu Duan, and Shu-Hong Yu*, Energy Environ. Sci. 2018,11(7), 1890-1897. Highlighted by ChemistryWorld:
561 |
Bi-Cheng Hu†, Zhen-Yu Wu†, Sheng-Qi Chu, Hong-Wu Zhu, Hai-Wei Liang*, Jing Zhang, and Shu-Hong Yu*, Energy Environ. Sci. 2018,11, 2208-2215.
560 |
A Janus Nickel Cobalt Phosphide Catalyst for High-efficiency Neutral-pH Water Splitting, Rui Wu†, Bing Xiao†, Qiang Gao†, Ya-Rong Zheng, Xu-Sheng Zheng, Jun-Fa Zhu, Min-Rui Gaoé, Shu-Hong Yué, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 15445-15449.
559 |
Emerging Carbon Nanofiber Aerogels: Chemosynthesis versus Biosynthesis, Zhen-Yu Wu†, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018,57,15646-15662. Invited Review.
558 |
Zhen He,† Hui-Jun Jiang,† Long-Long Wu,† Jian-Wei Liu*, Geng Wang, Xiao Wang, Jin-Long Wang, Zhong-Huai Hou, Gang Chen,* and Shu-Hong Yu*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57(27), 8130-8134.
557 |
Crystal Phase-Induced Epitaxial Growth of Noble Nanomaterials, Yuan Yang, Shu-Hong Yu*, Natl. Sci. Rev. 2018, 5(1), 788-789.Highlight.
Wood-Derived Ultrathin Carbon Nanofiber Aerogels, Si-Cheng Li, Bi-Cheng Hu, Yan-Wei Ding, Hai-Wei Liang*, Chao Li, Zi-You Yu, Zhen-Yu Wu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018,57(24), 7085-7090. Highlighted by Space Daily: http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Highly_conductive_electrode_materials_from_ultrathin_carbon_na Highlighted by ScienceDaily, Eurekalert, phys.org, Wiley NewsRoom, Eurekalert, ScienceNewsline, ChemViews Magazine: "Wood to supercapacitors" https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180524112348.htm https://phys.org/news/2018-05-sustainable-highly-electrode-materials-ultrathin.html https://www.techexplorist.com/wood-supercapacitors/14414/ https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-05/w-wts052418.php https://www.sciencenewsline.com/news/2018052421590100.html https://www.chemistryviews.org/details/ezine/11049032/Wood_to_Supercapacitors.html
555 |
Fire-retardant and thermally insulating phenolic-silica aerogels, Zhi-Long Yu, Ning Yang, Varvara Apostolopoulou-Kalkavoura, Bing Qin, Zhi-Yuan Ma, Wei-Yi Xing, Chan Qiao, Lennart Bergström, Markus Antonietti and Shu-Hong Yu*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57(17), 4538-4542. Highlighted by Advanced Science News: https://www.advancedsciencenews.com/fire-retardant-binary-network-aerogel/ Highlighted by Media: "Chinese researchers develop new fire-resistant construction material" http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-04/03/c_137085049.htm
554 |
Chao Gu†, Shaojin Hu†, Xusheng Zheng†, Min-Rui Gao,* Ya-Rong Zheng, Lei Shi, Qiang Gao, Xiao Zheng, Wang-Sheng Chu, Hong-Bin Yao, Jun-Fa Zhu and Shu-Hong Yu*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57(15),4020-4024.
553 |
Wood-Inspired High-Performance Ultrathick Bulk Battery Electrodes, Lei-Lei Lu‡, Yu-Yang Lu‡, Zi-Jian Xiao, Tian-Wen Zhang, Fei Zhou, Tao Ma, Yong Ni, Hong-Bin Yao*, Shu-Hong Yu*, Yi Cui*, Adv. Mater. 2018, 30,1706745.
552 |
Tao Ma†, Huai-Ling Gao†, Huai-Ping Cong*, Hong-Bin Yao, Liang Wu, Zi-You Yu, Si-Ming Chen and Shu-Hong Yu*, Adv. Mater. 2018, 30(15),1706435.
551 |
Competitive Adsorption between a Polymer and Its Monomeric Analog Enables Precise Modulation of Nanowire Synthesis,
550 |
Guo-Fei Wang, Xiang Gao, Haili Qin, Yi Cao, Wei Wang, Feng-Chao Wang, Heng-An Wu, Huai-Ping Cong* and Shu-Hong Yu*, Chem 2018,4(4), 896-910.
549 |
Bao-Lin Zhang, Sen Xin, Haili Qin, Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*, ChemPlusChem 2018, 83(3), 99-107.
548 |
A Noble-Metal-Free CdS/Ni3S2@C Nanocomposite for Efficient Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalysis, Yu Cui,† Yun-Xiang Pan,† Haili Qin, Huai-Ping Cong,* and Shu-Hong Yu*, Small Methods 2018, 5(1), 788-789.
547 |
Grafting Cobalt Diselenide on Defective Graphene for Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Reaction, Xin Wang, Linzhou Zhuang, Tianwei He, Yi Jia, Longzhou Zhang, Xuecheng Yan, Minrui Gao, Aijun Du, Zhonghua Zhu, Xiangdong Yao*, Shu-Hong Yu*, iScience 2018, 7, 145-153.
546 |
Zhen-Yu Wu, Wen-Bo Ji, Bi-Cheng Hu, Hai-Wei Liang*, Xing-Xing Xu, Zhi-Long Yu, Bo-Yang Li, and Shu-Hong Yu*, Nano Energy 2018, 51, 286-293.
545 |
Chuan-Ling Zhang*, Bing-Rong Lu, Fu-Hu Cao, Zhi-Long Yu, Huai-Ping Cong, and Shu-Hong Yu*, J. Mater. Chem. A 2018, 6(27), 12962-12968.
544 |
Yang-Yi Liu, ‡ Lei Liu, ‡ Si-Ming Chen, Li-Bo Mao, Huai-Ling Gao, Tao Ma, Shu-Hong Yu*, Langmuir 2018, 34 (20), 5813–5820.
543 |
Xin Xin†, Haili Qin†, Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*, Langmuir 2018, 34 (17), 4952–4961.
542 |
Fan Zhang, Hua-Qiang Zhuang, Jie Song, Yu-Long Men, Yun-Xiang Pan*, Shu-Hong Yu*, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2018, 226, 103-110.
541 |
Highly Tough Bioinspired Ternary Hydrogels Synergistically Reinforced by Graphene/Xonotlite Network, Sen Li, Haili Qin, Tan Zhang, Huai-Ping Cong,* and Shu-Hong Yu*, Small 2018, 14(22), 1800673.
540 |
Low Cost Metal Carbide Nanocrystals as Binding and Electrocatalytic Sites for High Performance Li-S Batteries,
539 |
Stable gadolinium based nanoscale lyophilized injection for enhanced MR angiography with efficient renal clearance,
538 |
Writing Theory and Modeling Papers For Langmuir – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly,
537 |
Ming Li†, Yupeng Chen†, Li-Bo Mao†, Yuan Jiang*, Ming-Feng Liu, Qiaoling Huang, Zhiyang Yu, ShutaoWang*, Shu-Hong Yu*, Changjian Lin, Xiang Yang Liu, and Helmut Cölfen, Langmuir 2018, 34 (9), 2942–2951.
536 |
Metal Halide Perovskite Supercrystals: Gold–Bromide Complex Triggered Assembly of CsPbBr3 Nanocubes, Kun-Hua Wang, Jun-Nan Yang, Qian-Kun Ni, Hong-Bin Yao*, and Shu-Hong Yu*, Langmuir 2018, 34(2), 595–602.
535 |
Porous nitrogen-doped carbon monoliths derived from biopolymer-structured liquid precursors, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater. 2018, 255, 53-60.
534 |
Ji-Song Yao, Jing Ge, Bo-Ning Han, Kun-Hua Wang, Hong-Bin Yao*, Hao-Lei Yu, Jian-Hai Li, Bai-Sheng Zhu, Ji-Zhong Song, Chen Chen, Qun Zhang*, Hai-Bo Zeng*, Yi Luo and Shu-Hong Yu, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140 (10), 3626–3634.
533 |
Calcium carbonate-doxorubicin@silica-indocyanine green nanospheres with photo-triggered drug delivery enhance cell killing in drug-resistant breast cancer cells,
532 |
Stability and Protection of Nanowire Devices in Air, Zhen He†, Muhammad Hassan†, Huan-Xin Ju, Rui Wang, Jin-Long Wang, Jia-Fu Chen, Jun-Fa Zhu, Jian-Wei Liu*, and Shu-Hong Yu*, Nano Res. 2018, 11(6),3353–3361.
531 |
Yuan Yang, Guo-Qiang Liu, Min-Rui Gao, Yu Xia, Shu-Hong Yu*, Nano Res. 2018, 11(2), 665-675. |
530 |
Dip-coating processed sponge-based electrodes for stretchable Zn-MnO2 batteries, Hong-Wu Zhu†, Jin Ge†, Yu-Can Peng, Hao-Yu Zhao, Lu-An Shi, and Shu-Hong Yu*, Nano Res. 2018, 11(3),1554–1562. |
529 |
Emerging binary nanostructure array enables multiple nanostructures,
528 |
Strong and stiff Ag nanowire-chitosan composite films reinforced by Ag-S covalent bonds, Xiao-Feng Pan, Huai-Ling Gao, Yang Su, Ya-Dong Wu, Xiang-Ying Wang, Tao He, Xiao-Ya Shang, Yang Lu*, and Shu-Hong Yu*, Nano Res. 2018, 11(1), 410-419. |