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Synthetic nacre by predesigned matrix-directed mineralization, Featured Videos: http://www.sciencemag.org/video/making-nacre Click to "Play" icon to start Flash content! Credit: Science/AAAS Highlights from Media: Highlighted by Nature: Bulk production of mother-of peral (Nature 2016, 536, 377, published on August 25, 2016) Featured by Science Perspectives: PhysOrg: "A new way to make synthetic mother-of-pearl" http://phys.org/news/2016-08-synthetic-mother-of-pearl.html ChemistryWorld: “Pearl coating built from the ground up to make durable synthetic material” https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/pearl-coating-built-from-the-ground-up/1017294.article EurekAlert (AAAS): Using nature's recipe to create mother of pearl Science Newsline: “Using Nature's Recipe to Create Mother of Pearl” http://www.sciencenewsline.com/news/2016081903090004.html ScienceDaily: “Using nature's recipe to create mother of pearl” https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/08/160818145957.htm AsianScientist: “Synthetic Mother-Of-Pearl, The Way Nature Intended” http://www.asianscientist.com/2016/08/in-the-lab/synthetic-mother-of-pearl-nacre-material/ Neue Züricher Zeitung: Perlmutt inspiriert Materialwissenschafter Highlighted by Sci. Bull. : Nacre replication: down to the bottom (Sci. Bull. 2016, 61, 1662-1664. ) Science behind nacre: matrix-directed mineralization at ambient condition (Sci. China Mater. 2016, 59, 889-891. ) (Nicholas Kotov, Natl. Sci. Rev. 2017, 4(3), 284-285.) https://academic.oup.com/nsr/article/doi/10.1093/nsr/nwx023/3192215/Authentic-synthetic-nacre
492 |
Super-Elastic and Fatigue Resistant Carbon Material with Lamellar Multi-Arch Microstructure, Highlighted by Sci. China Mater.: "Super-carbon spring: a biomimetic design" (Sci China Mater 2017, 60(2), 186–187) http://engine.scichina.com/publisher/scp/journal/SCMs/60/2/10.1007/s40843-016-5164-4?slug=full text Highlighted by Natl. Sci. Rev.: "Arch-inspired super-elastic carbon materials" (Natl. Sci. Rev. 2017, DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwx034) https://academic.oup.com/nsr/article/3072206/Arch-inspired
491 |
Bacterial Cellulose: A Robust Platform for Design of Three Dimensional Carbon-Based Functional Nanomaterials,
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Advanced Sorbents for Oil Spill Cleanup: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives, Highlighted by MaterialsView China:
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Carbon dots: Large-scale synthesis, sensing and bioimaging,
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Precursor triggering synthesis of self-coupled sulfide polymorphs with enhanced photoelectrochemical properties, Front Cover. Featured by JACS Spotlights: Heteronanostructure Polymorphs with Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Properties.
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Liang Wu‡, Shi-You Chen‡, Feng-Jia Fan, Tao-Tao Zhuang, Chen-Min Dai, Shu-Hong Yu*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138(17), 5576-5584.
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Ion-Catalyzed Synthesis of Microporous Hard Carbon Embedded with Expanded Nanographite for Enhanced Lithium/Sodium Storage,
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Integration of Semiconducting Sulfides for Full-Spectrum Solar Energy Absorption and Efficient Charge Separation, Highlighted by Angewandte Chemie Press Room-Wiley-VCH: "Beyond the Rainbow Colors”-Semiconducting ternary nanocrystals expand the range of accessible light energy of solar cells to the ultraviolet and infrared regions”
484 |
Large-Scale Synthesis of Highly Luminescent Perovskite-Related CsPb2Br5 Nanoplatelets and Their Fast Anion Exchange, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55(29), 8328-8332.
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Polymerization under Hypersaline Conditions: A Robust Route to Phenolic Polymer-Derived Carbon Aerogels,
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Combining Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Sheets and MoS2: A Unique Film-Foam-Film Structure for Enhanced Lithium Storage, Highlighted by MaterialsView China: http://www.materialsviewschina.com/2016/09/22699/
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A Stretchable Electronic Fabric Artificial Skin with Pressure-, Lateral Strain- and Flexion- Sensitive Properties, Highlighted by MaterialsView China:
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Free-Standing Copper Nanowire Network Current Collector for Improving Lithium Anode Performance, Most Read Articles: http://pubs.acs.org/action/showMostReadArticles?journalCode=nalefd
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The Electrochemistry with Lithium versus Sodium of Selenium Confined to Slit Micropores in Carbon,
478 |
Comparison Study on the Stability of Copper Nanowires and Their Oxidation Kinetics in Gas and Liquid,
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Elastic carbon nanotube aerogel meets tellurium nanowires: a binder- and collector- free electrode for Li–Te batteries, Most Accessed 05/2016:
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Unique Necklace-Like Phenol Formaldehyde Resin Nanofibers: Scalable Templating Synthesis, Casting Films, and Their Superhydrophobic Application,
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Mo2C Nanoparticles Embedded within Bacterial Cellulose- Derived 3D N-doped Carbon Nanofiber Networks for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution, Highlighted by NPG Asia Materials: Catalysis: water-splitting benefits from microbe-synthesized aerogel
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Coating sponge with a hydrophobic porous coordination polymer containing a low-energy CF3-decorated surface for continuous pumping recovery of an oil spill from water, Highlighted by NPG Asia Materials: "Microporous coordination polymers: putting a squeeze on spills".
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Spraying functional fibres by electrospinning,
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A general chemical transformation route to two-dimensional mesoporous metal selenide nanomaterials by acidification of ZnSe-amine lamellar hybrid at room temperature,
471 |
Surface Charge Polarization at the Interface: Enhancing the Oxygen Reduction via Precise Synthesis of Heterogeneous Ultrathin Pt/PtTe Nanowire,
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One-Pot Gram-Scale Synthesis of Nitrogen and Sulfur Embedded Organic Dots with Distinctive Fluorescence Behaviors in Free and Aggregated States, Most Read Articles: http://pubs.acs.org/action/showMostReadArticles?journalCode=cmatex
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Macroscopic-scale synthesis of nitrogen-doped carbon nanofiber aerogels by template-directed hydrothermal carbonization of nitrogen-containing carbohydrates,
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Micrometer-thick Graphene Oxide-Layered Double Hydroxide Nacre-Inspired Coatings and Their Properties, Highlighted by MaterialsView China:
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Sustainable Hydrothermal Carbonization Synthesis of Iron/Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanofiber Aerogels as Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction, Most Accessed 09/2016 Highlighted by MaterialsView China:
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Anisotropic nanowire growth via a self-confined amorphous template process: A reconsideration on the role of amorphous calcium carbonate,
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Photocatalytic CO2 reduction highly enhanced by oxygen vacancies on Pt-nanoparticle-dispersed gallium oxide,
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Chitosan microspheres with extracellular matrix-mimicking nanofibrous structure as cell-carrier building blocks for bottom-up cartilage tissue engineering,
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Magnetic hydroxyapatite nanoworms for magnetic resonance diagnosis of acute hepatic injury,
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Lanthanide co-doped paramagnetic spindle-like mesocrystals for imaging and autophagy induction,
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Coupling Microbial Growth with Nanoparticles: A Universal Strategy to Produce Functional Fungal Hyphae Macrospheres,
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Coiling ultrathin tellurium nanowires into nanorings by Pickering emulsion,
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N-, P- and Fe-Tridoped Nanoporous Carbon Derived from Plant Biomass for Efficient Oxygen Reduction for Zinc-Air Battery , 2016 Journal of Materials Chemistry A HOT Papers
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Unique Upconversion Core-shell Nanoparticles with Tunable Fluorescence Synthesized by a Sequential Growth Process,
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Nacre-Like Ternary Hybrid Films with Enhanced Mechanical Properties by Interlocked Nanofiber Design,
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Templating synthesis of ternary PtPdTe nanowires with tunable diameter for methanol electrooxidation,
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Recycling Valuable Silver from Waste Generated in Diverse Nanotemplate Reactions,
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A Mixed-Solvent Route to Unique PtAuCu Ternary Nanotubes Templated from Cu Nanowires as Efficient Dual Electrocatalysts,
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A surfactant-free route to synthesize BaxSr1-xTiO3 nanoparticles at room temperature, their dielectric and microwave absorption properties,
452 |
Three-dimensional melamine sponge loaded with Au/ceria nanowires for continuous reduction of p-nitrophenol in a consecutive flow system,
451 |
Built-in Carbon Nanotube Network inside a Biomass-Derived Hierarchically Porous Carbon to Enhance the Performance of the Sulfur Cathode in a Li-S Battery, Highlighted by MaterialsView: "A biomass-derived porous carbon matrix with carbon nanotubes for enhanced Li-S battery performance." Highlighted by MaterialsView China: Highlighted by Energy Harvesting Journal: “Carbon nanotubes for enhanced Li-S battery performance” Most Accessed 05/2016: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)2199-692X/homepage/2761_mostaccessed.html
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Systematic Synthesis of Tellurium Nanostructures and Their Optical Property: From Nanoparticles, to Nanorods, Nanowires, and Nanotubes,
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Charged Inorganic Nanowire Directed Mineralization of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate,
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Graphene-Wrapped Graphitic Hollow Carbon Spheres: Bioinspired Synthesis and Applications in Batteries and Supercapacitors, Highlighted by MaterialsView: "Bioinspired hollow spheres for energy storage". Highlighted by MaterialsView China: Most Accessed 05/2016:
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Titanium-Carbide-Decorated Carbon Nanofibers as Hybrid Electrodes for High Performance Li-S Batteries,
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Tuning Gold nanoparticle aggregation through the inhibition of acid phosphatase bioactivity: a plasmonic sensor for light-up visual detection of arsenate, |
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Hydrogels from Amorphous Calcium Carbonate and Polyacrylic Acid: Bio-Inspired Materials for "Mineral Plastics", Highlighted by Nature Reviews Material: "Hydrogels: Mineral shapeshifters"
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Poly(ionic liquid)-mediated morphogenesis of bismuth sulfide with a tunable band gap and enhanced electrocatalytic properties,
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Polydimethylsiloxane Coating for A Palladium/MOF Composite: Highly Improved Catalytic Performance by Surface Hydrophobization, Highlighted by MaterialsView China.
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Boosting Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production of a Metal–Organic Framework Decorated with Platinum Nanoparticles: The Platinum Location Matters,
441 |
Pd Nanocubes@ZIF-8: Integration of Plasmon-Driven Photothermal Conversion with a Metal-Organic Framework for Efficient and Selective Catalysis,
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Tailoring Unique Mesopores of Hierarchically Porous Structures for Fast Direct Electrochemistry in Microbial Fuel Cells,
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Palladium nanoparticles stabilized with N-doped porous carbons derived from metal–organic frameworks for selective catalysis in biofuel upgrade: the role of catalyst wettability,
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Metal-Organic Framework Templated Porous Carbon for Highly Efficient Catalysis: The Critical Role of Pyrrolic N Species,
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Macroscopic and Microscopic Investigation of U(VI) and Eu(III) Adsorption on Carbonaceous Nanofibers,
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Competitive sorption of Pb(II), Cu(II) and Ni(II) on carbonaceous nanofibers: A spectroscopic and modeling approach,
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Competitive sorption of As(V) and Cr(VI) on carbonaceous nanofibers,