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"Wavelike electronic energy transfer in donor--acceptor molecular systems through quantum coherence" Fan-Fang Kong, et al. Nature Nanotechnology 17, 729-736 (2022). News & Views

Pre One:" 单分子瞬时带电态中电子-振动耦合特性的亚纳米荧光成像研究" 田晓俊,孔繁芳,经士浩,郁云杰,张尧,张杨,董振超,《物理学报》,71, 063301 (2022).

Next One:"Sub-Nanometer Resolved Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of a Single Molecule on the Si (111) Substrate" Rui-Pu Wang, et al. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126, 12121–12128 (2022).