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Xu Wen, Ali Shamooni, Thorsten Zirwes, Oliver T. Stein, Andreas Kronenburg, Christian Hasse,Carrier-phase direct numerical simulation and flamelet modeling of NOx formation in a pulverized coal/ammonia co-firing flame,Combustion and Flame,2024,(269):113722. Ali Shamooni (equal), Xu Wen (equal), Paulo Debiagi, Alessandro Stagni, Jan W. Gärtner, Thorsten Zirwes, Oliver T. Stein, Christan Hasse, Andreas Kronenburg,Carrier-phase direct numerical simulation and flamelet modeling of alkali metal emissions from pulverized biomass flames,Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,2024,(40):105309. Xu Wen, Ali Shamooni, Oliver T. Stein, Kazuki Tainaka, Dominik Meller, Andreas Kronenburg, Andreas M. Kempf, Christian Hasse,A four-fuel-stream flamelet model for large-eddy simulation of piloted pulverized coal/ammonia co-combustion,Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,2024,(40):105470. Xu Wen, Lukas Berger, Arne Scholtissek, Alessandro Parente, Christian Hasse, Heinz Pitsch,Numerical analysis and flamelet modeling of NOx formation in a thermodiffusively unstable premixed hydrogen flame at elevated-pressure conditions,Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,2024,(40):105411. Xu Wen, Lukas Berger, Liming Cai, Alessandro Parente, Heinz Pitsch,Thermodiffusively unstable laminar hydrogen flame in a sufficiently large 3D computational domain — Part II: NOx formation mechanism and flamelet modeling,Combustion and Flame,2024,(265):113497. Xu Wen, Lukas Berger, Liming Cai, Alessandro Parente, Heinz Pitsch,Thermodiffusively unstable laminar hydrogen flame in a sufficiently large 3D computational domain — Part I: Characteristic patterns,Combustion and Flame,2024,(268):113278. Xu Wen, Lukas Berger, Florian vom Lehn, Alessandro Parente, Heinz Pitsch,Numerical analysis and flamelet modeling of NOx formation in a thermodiffusively unstable hydrogen flame,Combustion and Flame,2023,(253):112817.