Chen's Laboratory for the Electron correlated Matters
Paper Publications
Common Electronic Features and Electronic Nematicity in Parent Compounds of Iron-Based Superconductors and FeSe/SrTiO3 Films Revealed by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
Date of Publication:2022-03-28 Times:
Journal: Chinese Physics Letters
Co-author: D.F. Liu, L. Zhao, S.L. He, Y. Hu, B. Shen, J.W. Huang, A.J. Liang, Y. Xu, X. Liu, J.F. He, D.X. Mou, S.Y. Liu, H.Y. Liu, G.D. Liu, W.H. Zhang, F.S. Li, X.C. Ma, Q.K. Xue, X.H. Chen, G.F. Chen, L. Yu, J. Zhang, Z.Y. Xu, C.T. Chen, X.J. Zhou
Document Code: 111
Volume: 33
Issue: 7
Page Number: 077402
Date of Publication: 2016-01-01