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Non/low-nobel Ir catalysts for efficient oxygen evolution reaction

The scarcity of Ir metal leads to the high price on PEMWEs, thus developping the non/low-noble Ir catalysts for the practical water oxidation. Whereas, Ir catalysts at anode still face such some challenge in stability and activity. With the increasing dissolution of Ir sites, its intrinsic activity becomes low, and further reduces its conductivity route. As for the two issuses above, we developped a series of Ir and Ru catalysts for manipulating its electrical structure  with efficiect water oxidation. Meanwhile, in-situ/operando characterization methods are used to explore the dynamics evolution of active sites and oxygen specis under service condition. We hope to major in the basic research of fundammental science on water oxidation for sheding light on design of advanced non/low-noble Ir catalysts.

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