Charge Trapping in Semiconductor Photocatalysts: A Time- and Space-Domain Perspective

- DOI码:10.1021/jacs.3c14757
- 发表刊物:Journal of the American Chemical Society
- 摘要:Harnessing solar energy to produce value-added fuels and chemicals through photocatalysis techniques holds promise for establishing a sustainable and environmentally friendly energy economy. The intricate dynamics of photogenerated charge carriers lies at the core of the photocatalysis. The balance between charge trapping and band-edge recombination has a crucial influence on the activity of semiconductor photocatalysts. Consequently, the regulation of traps in photocatalysts becomes the key to optimizing their activities. Nevertheless, our comprehension of charge trapping, compared to that of well-studied charge recombination, remains somewhat limited. This limitation stems from the inherently heterogeneous nature of traps at both temporal and spatial scales, which renders the characterization of charge trapping a formidable challenge. Fortunately, recent advancements in both time-resolved spectroscopy and space-resolved microscopy have paved the way for considerable progress in the investigation and manipulation of charge trapping. In this Perspective, we focus on charge trapping in photocatalysts with the aim of establishing a direct link to their photocatalytic activities. To achieve this, we begin by elucidating the principles of advanced time-resolved spectroscopic techniques such as femtosecond time-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy and space-resolved microscopic methods, such as single-molecule fluorescence microscopy and surface photovoltage microscopy. Additionally, we provide an overview of noteworthy research endeavors dedicated to probing charge trapping using time- and space-resolved techniques. Our attention is then directed toward recent achievements in the manipulation of charge trapping in photocatalysts through defect engineering. Finally, we summarize this Perspective and discuss the future challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the field.
- 卷号:146
- 期号:13
- 页面范围:8787-8799
- 是否译文:否
- 发表时间:2024/03/23